
David McKenzie
Lugar de nacimiento
Melbourne, Australia
Profesional desde
Ganancias en su carrera
Melbourne, Victoria
Ciudad por la que juega
Melbourne, Australia
Wife, Julia
Estado de Exención
Top 36 Charles Schwab Cup Points (36th)
Detalles Personales
Won $10,000 for a hole-in-one during the final round of the 1998 BC TEL Open. Got his start in golf from his grandfather.
Lists Dale Lynch as his instructor.
Says winning the Korn Ferry Tour's 2005 Gila River Golf Classic and playing on the PGA TOUR in 2006 are his biggest thrills in golf.
Lists the composite course at Royal Melbourne and Kingston Heath as his favorite courses.
Never travels without his passport.
Favorite pro team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. Favorite movie is "The Sting," and The Power of One is his favorite book. Roger Federer is his favorite athlete to watch. Favorite cities to visit include London, Paris, New York, Brussels and Wagga Wagga in New South Wales. Says Port Douglas in Queensland is his favorite vacation spot.
Would round out his dream foursome with Captain Cook, Albert Einstein and Jesus Christ.
Charity work involves the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.
Was a champion footballer and cricketer in his early days at Catholic Regional College in Melton, Victoria.
Has one brother and one sister. Got his start in golf from his grandfather.
Previously worked as a bank teller and would probably be working as a stock trader if he weren't playing professional golf.