United States

Brian Richey
Fecha de Nacimiento
Jun 10, 1986
Lugar de nacimiento
Lakeland, FL
Profesional desde
Ganancias en su carrera
Florida Southern College
Winter Park, FL
Ciudad por la que juega
Lakeland, FL
Wife, Meghan
Detalles Personales
In college, worked part time as a baseball umpire for various little league and travel-team games.
Parents would drop him at course in the morning, give him a few dollars and pick him up at night.
Earliest golf memory was winning a summer league junior event and getting a huge trophy, which amazed his mother when she picked him up.
Favorite golf memory was shooting 20 under and winning an NGA Winter Series event by seven strokes with his father watching. Says the win came against a strong field and gave him confidence.
If not a pro golfer would be a college golf coach or agent.
Always wears something red for the last round, a Florida Southern team tradition.
Favorite pro teams are the New York Yankees, St. Louis Cardinals, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, New York Giants, Tampa Bay Lightning and Orlando Magic.
Is a huge Florida State football fan and says the best sporting event he has attended is the 2014 Florida State-Notre Dame football game.
Not many people know he flipped his Chevy Malibu en route to a tournament and shot 67 that day.
Motto is "I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me."